Whore of the Werewolf Billionaire

Chapter 79: Diana's Edge

"This is Diana's Edge."

Tyler's voice is nothing but a whisper in the wind. Still, my mortal ears caught them as we both stared at the limestone wall magnificently standing before us like how Selena's Wall does.

I could not see it at first. But with Tyler gathering the droplets of water in the air, willing his water magic to obey as he slammed it in a clearing between two huge trees...the White Wall now shimmers as I look at it from bottom to top. Pure awe shone on my face, nose flaring and eyes sparkling with the kind of magic my storm-summoning husband rarely uses.

We are on Mount Olympus, (probably) the tallest mountain in all of Greece. And Diana's Edge is situated behind it.

We were just shifting our feet when a silver-haired beautiful man stalked towards us. Only wearing a pair of boxer shorts, he bowed to Tyler before giving me a warm smile. "Welcome to Diana's Edge, where the moon is our sun."

I didn't even notice that the wall has hidden two gigantic stone doors. Contrary to Selena's Wall that we have to trek through the cave-like entrance before we reach Stella's Soul, here you just have to need a Greek wolf welcoming you. And before you know it, you are already in Diana's Edge.

"You may now enter," he invited.

Tyler caressed my hand before squeezing it as if he's saying, "I'm here, and I am with you."

I am not afraid. I have seen enough werewolves in my life. But upon beholding the sizes of Greek Wolves standing by the stone doors... "How come these Greeks are bigger than yours?" "Because we are the original ones." It was the silver-haired beauty who answered. His enthralling mien is one that came straight from an anime screen.

"Original?" I asked, curiosity once again taking hold of my tongue.

"The first ones." It was Tyler who answered my question this time, eyes focused on the bleeding colors of sunset. Tangerine and tawny shades running the rivers and brook with their brightness, along with a bit of pink and purple.

"This is beautiful here," I said between my stride as I kept my pace with them. Men, especially those with werewolf blood, are really fast trekkers. I suppose even the mountain wind couldn't keep up with them.

But even with its ancient aura, Diana's Edge is still like Stella's Soul in many ways: a sanctuary for those creatures who have wolves as an extension of their personality.

A sanctuary where both modern style and centuries-old architecture intersect, the Corinthian

gate with several gilded pearls adorning the body is an example of that.

The houses that have flat roofs and glass balconies, yet are still loyal to the Greek design on the outside, especially with the garden.

As I fill my soul with the magnificence of yet another home of supernatural strangers...I can't help but gaze at Tyler and the silver-haired masculine beauty.

They are talking as if they are long-time friends yet still have a space of boundary between them. "Why don't you go with Nyrene, Winona? The Hymen has a nice selection of wine and cheese.” I just nodded at him, his voice is more orgasmic than his look.

"And grapes," my husband added, his wink making my stomach turn upside down. So much for public display of affection.

"You must be the Luna from Stella's Soul." A woman with midnight blue hair voiced from behind me. Tyler and that Greek friend of his had already gotten far from my sight when I turned around to face her.

At first, I thought her hair and eyebrows were dyed. But they are not. They are of natural color: the color of a moonless night where the blue sky dwells. Black but blue, and both.

They are different from Tyler's bluish-black hair from her. For Nyrene's, one can really tell that it

is both a combination of blue and black whether in the light or in the dark.

“Yes,” I answered, extending my delicate hand for a handshake.

But Nyrene just brought her head to a bow. "We rarely use handshakes here."

I followed her. This time, I was able to make my way beside her, inhaling her scent of what seems

to be melon and red wine.

"I'm Kairo's wife and sister, the one who you met earlier."

Wife and sister?

"Well I guess you still keep up with the Zeus-Hera traditions until the twenty-first century, eh?" I purred in a jovial manner. But Nyrene didn't yield a smile. Instead, a smirk crawled across her copper-skinned face.noveldrama

"Half-sister. I am part-werewolf by birth. My mother's half-werewolf, raised by mortals due to a conflict before being laid at the stone-table eighteen years later."

My throat bobbed. Nyrene seems so serious that you do not know whether she's talking to you solemnly or if she's already being sarcastic.

We reached The Hymen, and it smelled of wine. Strong wine that I first thought to be coffee.

"It was named as The Hymen after the Greek God of Marriage and Wedding Feasts. This is a safe

space for all married men, women, and couples so no infidelity of sorts will be formed."

I breathed through my nose, inhaling the delicious yet strong scent of wine and cheese.

I surveyed the place. It was like Starbucks except there's no roof and large barrels of wine serve

as the table of the drinkers and eaters.

Nyrene popped a grape in my gaping mouth as soon as I turned towards her. And it was only the moment I chewed it that it was actually stuffed with cheese.

"It wasn't stuffed with cheese,” she uttered as she led the way to the table nearest the snake terrarium. "It's just that I managed to shove both in your mouth in a single motion of a hand," Nyrene chuckled.


It was already two hours before midnight when we returned from Diana's Edge and into our hotel room in Sylvar, where I noticed that Tyler's energy was still intact.

Not a hint of exhaustion is drawn on his face.

Due to the immense tiredness I have due to that trip and listening for hours on Nyrene's endless gossip, I fell asleep on the couch without realizing it.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw Tyler's masculine gaze upon me as his hand gently stroked my forehead then tucked my hair behind my ears.

"You haven't had your dinner yet," he said in a soft tone.

As I blinked twice, my green eyes widened as they scanned the room. I noticed an unopened box

of pizza on the table and assumed he was waiting for me to join him.

"Pizza?" I imitated a soft cackle and whispered it. It basically smelled of Hawaiian flavor.

"You did mention that you were craving it," he scoffed.

It was true though. While we were on our tour at Diana's Edge, the homemade scent of pizza beguiled me to gobble a few slices in a matter of minutes. And even after those minutes, I kept bringing up the notion that I missed the special pizza of Café del Luna.

I'm sure my cravings must have gotten old for Tyler to hear me say another 'pizza' word again. When Tyler got a taste of my lips, my eyes lit up. Climbing down the bed, I walked over to him and helped myself to bite the half slice of pizza that he started to eat. And as expected, after devouring the first slice, I looked up at him with puppy eyes.

"Thanks," giggling all the while.

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