The Reluctant Wife: Chapter 3
“Father.” I curtsy to the King of Verenza.
We’re on the top floor of a very well-known hotel owned by one of the Seven, a group of billionaires who are close friends with my father. It doesn’t hurt that they gave him a huge discount. It’s the only way we could afford to stay here. The truth is, the Royal Family of Verenza is a hair’s breadth away from bankruptcy. It’s one of the reasons my father is in London. To drum up funds from wealthy patrons.
‘Darling, Aura.’ He looks up from where he’s been deep in discussion with Fred Humphries, his First Minister, and another official looking man I don’t recognize.
My father’s familiar face breaks into a large smile. The warmth on his features is palpable. He’s my only surviving parent. Seeing him reminds me of my mother, and my heart squeezes in my chest. Suddenly, I’m not twenty-three years old and a princess, but a daughter who goes for long periods without seeing her dad. He often travels on missions to further our country’s diplomatic ties.
I want to race toward him and throw myself against his chest, but he’s the king. Royal protocol decrees that I do not indulge in overt gestures of affection, not even when we’re alone.
The meeting ends, and the official I don’t recognize rises to his feet and bows. “I’ll have the paperwork sent to you, Your Highness.”
My father also rises. He holds out his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Singh. I am grateful the International Monetary Fund has accepted our bid for a loan.”noveldrama
Another loan? It’s been less than a month since Verenza borrowed from the IMF. Things are worse than I realized.
Mr. Singh shakes my father’s hand. “I’m glad I could be of help, Sir. But”—he hesitates—’speaking as a friend, I would advise you to pay off your loans before you borrow anymore; else it’ll result in weakened investor confidence and a downgrading of your credit rating, which will only make it more expensive to borrow further.” His features turn grim. “I’m sure you’ll find a way to pay back your loans before you default.” He bows once more at my father, then nods at Fred, before bowing to me on his way out. “Princess.”
I turn on my father. “Is what he’s saying true? Are we on the verge of defaulting on our payments?”
My father exchanges a look with Fred, then turns to me. “You don’t have to worry about that, honey.”
I blow out a breath. My father always dismisses any attempt I make to understand my country’s financial situation. He’s made it clear that my role is to be joined in an advantageous marriage. Given his traditional outlook, I know he’d never allow me to accept my publishing deal. But the size of the advance meant, no way, was I going to turn it down.
I can use the money to finance my living costs, as well as pay my team. It helps me do my bit to ease the financial strain on my father’s resources, even if he’s not aware of it. I lock my fingers together, hoping my nervousness doesn’t show.
‘Let me see you.’ He scrutinizes my features, and his own soften further. ‘You look so like your mother.’
A thickness clogs my throat. I swallow around it. My mother died when I was ten. But memories of her are fresh in my mind. Her gentleness, her laughter, her thick auburn hair, which I inherited. I also get my curves from her. She was taller than me, statuesque. But other than that, I could be her doppelgänger. This is the first time my father’s mentioned it though. Not surprising, considering I don’t get to spend that much time with him.
‘She’d have loved to see you all grown up and so beautiful.” A tear slides down my father’s cheek.
‘Oh, papa.’ I close the distance to him but stop short of hugging him. Instead, I squeeze his arm.
For a few seconds, we stay that way. Then Fred clears his throat.
‘Sir, you were going to talk to the princess about her security detail?’ he urges.
So, my father didn’t call me here to talk about my publishing deal. Whew! My secret is safe…for now.
‘What about my security detail?’ I incline my head.
‘In light of the upcoming investiture of your brother, there is a lot of attention from the world press on Verenza and the Royal Family. So, we’ve made the decision to strengthen the safety detail for all of us,’ my father informs me.
‘It’s Viktor’s investiture; not mine.” I tip up my chin. “I don’t need additional security.”
‘You’re a key member of the Royal Family.” My father flattens his lips. ‘You’re as much at risk as we are.” He and Fred exchange glances.
‘Did something happen?’ I look between them. “There’s no need to protect me from reality just because I’m a woman,” I point out.
Fred looks uncomfortable. My father’s brow furrows. When he proposed an arranged marriage, I wasn’t surprised. Sure, a part of me rebelled against it internally. But as a member of the Royal Family, I understood that my life partner would likely be someone decided upon by my father.
And when, I found out that my future bridegroom, who belongs to another European Royal Family, would invest enough money to ease my country’s economic vows, I knew this was my chance to help my father. Besides, it’s not like I could say no. My father made it clear this was his expectation of me.
If I’m lucky, Gavin will love me. Although, based on interactions I’ve had with him, that seems highly unlikely. To be fair, I can’t imagine loving him either.
At least, my father decided to keep news of my engagement under wraps.
He and Gavin’s father don’t want to endanger the union in any way. Announcing it would mean too much media scrutiny. I, for one, am happy I don’t have to contend with that. This also means I don’t have to talk about my upcoming nuptials, which suits me fine. I’d rather not think about it at all.
Meanwhile, arrangements are underway for a wedding that will put the world’s attention on Verenza. Only three more months of freedom, and then I’ll be locked in a loveless match with that spineless tosser. Ugh.
I shove those thoughts out of my head and widen my eyes in what I hope is a beseeching expression. ‘Tell me what’s happened, Papa. I deserve to know.’
My father turns to Fred and nods. Fred sighs. He pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and mops his brow, despite the very comfortable temperature inside this hotel suite. ‘There has been a threat against you. This one shouldn’t be taken lightly.” There’s a thread of anxiety running through his voice, which tells me he’s rattled.
My stomach turns to stone. My heart begins to race. Another threat? Oh no. I can only imagine how this is going to turn my life upside down again. Every time one of these arises there’s more security, more restrictions, more rules imposed on me, until it feels I can barely breathe. I feel the urge to scream and run out of there, but my mother’s voice echoes in my head: Spine straight. You’re a princess. Never forget that.
As always, it helps me find my composure. I tuck my elbows into my sides. “Any—’ I clear my throat. ‘Any idea why I was targeted?”
Fred shakes his head.
“Is it because those who are behind the threat are anti-monarchists?” I rub at my temple. “Perhaps, it’s because our people are upset at the growing cost of living? Especially, when they see me wearing my fancy clothes and taking part in high profile tours.”
Like this current one to London, where I’ve been fulfilling up to three engagements a day. I’ve been seen at movie premieres, fund-raisers, and charity drives. It’s to keep Verenza top of mind and drive tourism to my country. But from the outside, it can seem frivolous. Especially when so many are struggling to put food on the table.
When neither of them replies, I scowl. ‘So, that’s it. I don’t get anything else?”
‘Cara mia, it will only upset you. If there were something you needed to know, I promise, I’d bring it to your attention,” my father says in a soothing tone.
Verenza is an island adjacent to Italy. Hearing my father address me by that endearment, which is in Italian, the language my mother spoke with us, twists my heart. The fact that he uses it now also tells me that this threat is serious. Which scares the crap out of me. It also makes me want to find out more.
I shove aside the sadness that thoughts of my mother bring and protest, ‘But Papa—’
My father cuts me off with his raised hand. ‘I will not entertain further discussion about this.’
‘My decision is final.’ He draws himself up to his full height. Once again, he’s the King. The monarch. When my father gets this way, I know, it’s near impossible to sway him. But I have to try.
I blow out a breath, then fold my arms across my chest.
He must see the stubbornness in my expression for his eyes soften. ‘Aura, I only have your best interests at heart. You know that, right?’
I allow my shoulders to relax, feeling unhappy that he felt I might ever think otherwise. ‘Of course, Papa.’
He nods. ‘Good.’ Then he looks at Fred, who pulls out his phone and dials a number.
‘Send him in.’
The door opens behind me. Footsteps approach. The hair on the back of my neck prickles, but I bat aside the frisson of awareness that runs up my spine.
My father nods in the direction of the person who draws abreast. ‘This is your new bodyguard.’
‘Ryot Davenport.’ A deep, dark voice reaches me. A voice I recognize. A voice that turns my insides to butter and my thighs into a mass of quivering need.
No! No…no…no. Surely not. I draw in a breath, and his scent—dark, smoky and rich, like the smell of fine, worn leather, spiked with something sensual and slightly animalistic—confirms to me that I have not made a mistake. This is him. The man I met at the nightclub last night. The man I called my husband. The one who I kissed. And to whom I’d have happily given myself, except I came to my senses and fled the scene. And now, he’s here. And he’s my—
‘Personal protection specialist.’ Ryot bows to the king. ‘That’s what I prefer to be called, Your Highness.”
My father seems taken aback, then nods. ‘Of course.’ He looks Ryot up and down. ‘You’re Arthur Davenport’s grandson and Quentin Davenport’s nephew.’
Ah, so he’s part of the Davenport clan? They’re one of the leading and most powerful business families in the country. So, what’s he doing, working as a bodyguard? It’s not for the money, that’s for sure.
‘I’d prefer to stand on my own merit,’ he retorts.
My father looks at Ryot as if seeing him for the first time and nods. ‘You have impressive credentials. You’ve been awarded the King’s Commendation for Valuable Service, as well as the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross, and the Military Cross.’
Ryot sets his jaw. ‘Those who died in battle deserve it more, Sir.’
Whoa, not only is he the most charismatic man I’ve come across, but he’s also humble when it comes to his achievements? He seems too good to be true. I narrow my gaze on him.
My father regards him with a considering expression. ‘Can you protect my daughter?’
Ryot tilts his head. “As long I’m the princess’ close protection officer, nothing and no one will get past me.’
Is it my imagination, or was there a hard note to his tone when he said princess? Also, there is no doubt in my mind, he means it. So long as he’s guarding me, I’m safe. Funny how, I don’t know this man, but I already trust his ability to keep me unharmed. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I know how it feels to be held against his wide, firm, muscled chest. Also, why am I thinking of that encounter? I risk a glance in his direction then wish I hadn’t because, oh my god, he’s every bit as devastating as I remember him to be.
Green eyes, which seem almost hazel today, and remind me of the mesmerizing patterns on a snake’s coils—he’s just as dangerous; I need to watch myself with him.
There’s a confidence that clings to him, a dominance that shimmers in the air about him, a self-assurance that’s almost annoying because I recognize it well. It’s the confidence that comes with breeding. With being born into a family that confers status on you. With not being used to taking no for an answer. With a trust, an unshakeable belief that you can have anything you want.
Only, he’s not going to control me. And I don’t want him as my bodyguard. The thought of this man who I’m so attracted to, in such close proximity to me? It both scares me and excites me. But I’m not a pushover.
I’m the Princess of Verenza and I, too, will get my way.
‘I already have a security team,’ I try to reason with my father.
But he ignores me. He and Ryot are locked in some kind of staring match. They’re taking each other’s measure. At least, my father is. Ryot’s spine is upright. His face could be carved out of marble, given how smooth his forehead is, how unmoving his expression is. And that absolute rigidity in his stance is a dead giveaway that he’s ex-military. I didn’t spot it the first time I saw him; I was too taken in by his good looks. Now, I can’t not see it. And now that I know his background, I can see the experiences he’s lived through in the shadows that cling to his eyes.
It speaks of nightmares he’s faced and conquered. It signals that there’s more to this man than being the scion of a well-known family and having the right blood line with all of the privileges that come from growing up as part of the upper class. None of which I knew when I met him last night.
I was drawn to him. There was this intense chemistry between us which surprised me. I wanted him enough that I would’ve let him bend me over and take me right there in that alley. I was sure I’d never see him again. Yet here he is. To say I’m shocked is putting it mildly. This is the epitome of a cruel joke the universe is playing on me.
Then my father nods, as if he’s come to a decision. An understanding seems to pass between them.
Ryot’s face is expressionless. It’s my father who walks to me and takes my hand in his. ‘I will not compromise on your safety. You’re my daughter, the light of my life. I could not bear it if anything were to happen to you. I need to ensure you’re secure, and Ryot comes highly recommended. I believe he will keep you safe.”
I search my father’s features and see the worry in his eyes. The plea in his gaze, more than anything, renders all my protests moot. As a last resort, I throw up my hands. ‘You just met him, and you trust him for this job?’
My father looks past me and exchanges another look with Ryot. A small smile curves my father’s features. ‘I couldn’t have survived this long without sizing up someone in seconds. Besides, his track record in the military speaks for itself.’
His words remind me of how Ryot protected me against the creep in the bar yesterday. My father’s instincts are right. How can I argue with that? But I have to try. “I already have a security team guarding me,” I remind him.
“They don’t have the experience Ryot has.” My father’s gaze grows resolute. “With his level of training and background in the Royal Marines, he’ll provide a level of safe keeping which will allow me to rest assured.”
Damn. It’s true, my existing security team is not the most competent. It’s how I managed to evade them and get to the bar yesterday. The tension radiating from Ryot tells me he’s thinking the same thing. Thankfully, he stays quiet. Which means, if he becomes my bodyguard, he already has something on me. Which puts me at a disadvantage, and which I don’t appreciate at all. I firm my lips and decide to try to dissuade my father one last time.
‘But Papa, you barely know him.’ I clasp my fingers together. ‘Are you sure this is a wise decision?’
Before my father can reply, Ryot draws himself up to his full height. ‘Your father is a good judge of character. He knows, I’ll put my life on the line before I let anything happen to you, Princess.’
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