The Reluctant Wife: A Bodyguard – Princess Marriage of Convenience Romance (The Davenports Book 4)

The Reluctant Wife: Chapter 17

It’s my fault this happened. I never should have let my guard down. How could I have taken her out of the hotel when I know the level of danger she faces? How could I have indulged my attraction for her and arranged for that date when I know the threat comes from a credible source? How could I have given in to her needing a change, knowing it was breaking protocol?

After the shooter fired at her, James and I exchanged one glance and agreed, without speaking, that the situation had turned even more serious. It was best to get her out of there and to a place no one knows about. Not even my team.

No one, but me and my brother, Tyler, who I messaged and informed of my plans.

Cole updated me earlier. Neither he nor Brian found any evidence of the shooter. Which confirms to me that whoever we’re dealing with is better than I originally gave them credit for.

Since the princess’ team was vetted by me, I saw no harm in sharing our whereabouts, so they could reach her, if needed. I curse myself. I shouldn’t have done that.

On the other hand, the list of suspects has been narrowed to the inner circle. One of them must have leaked details of the princess’ movements.

Until I figure out what’s happening, I’m not going to trust anyone other than, Tyler.

I drive through the night and arrive at my safe house in the early hours of the morning. She’s sleeping so peacefully, and the shadows beneath her eyes are so pronounced, I decide to carry her into the house. This place is off the books.

I paid for it through a company that cannot be traced back to me. This is the one time I dipped into my inheritance. Instinct had warned me that, at some time in the future, I might need to get out here.

I place her on the bed, unlace and remove her Doc Martens, and cover her up. For a few seconds, I watch her chest rise and fall. Her eyelashes curl over her cheekbone; her cheeks are flushed. At least, she’s no longer pale. She’ll likely be exhausted when she wakes up, though. I place a glass of water, along with a bottle of Tylenol next to her on the nightstand. Then I tuck the duvet around her and walk out.

I head down into the kitchen, fill a glass of water from the tap and drink from it, then place the glass down on the counter. I step out onto the patio, pull out my phone, and video call my brother.noveldrama

Tyler picks up in two rings. ‘Are you okay?’

There’s worry in his voice.

‘I’m good.’

‘Assume this is a secure line?’

‘Don’t insult me,’ I scoff.

‘No harm covering all bases. When you’re in the middle of a tricky operation, it’s surprising how much detail can slip.’

I stiffen. ‘If this is about what happened to Jane⁠—’

‘It’s not.’ His voice softens. ‘Don’t get all worked up about it. I’m simply watching out for you and your principal.’

It’s strange how I’m no longer as disturbed about hearing her name emerge from my lips as I was even a few weeks ago. Is it because of… Aura? Because the princess is occupying my thoughts, and has clawed her way under my skin and into my heart? If I had any doubts about what she means to me—that assassin’s bullet put them to rest.

The moment I spotted the telltale crimson pinpoint of the laser sight quivering over her heart, my entire being went into overdrive. My pulse sped up, my heartbeat spiked, adrenaline flushed my blood stream, and I moved without conscious thought.

Thank God, I managed to take her down and shield her body from the worst of the impact. I heard the bullet break the glass of the window and shatter the water jug before it punched through the overturned chair where she’d been seated and embedded itself in the floor.

I felt the vibrations from the hit deep in my bones. Every cell in my body snapped to attention, every instinct ringing out in alarm. I managed to roll her away, against the wall, until we were out of sight of whoever might be out there. And I covered her body with mine. She was silent under me, but for the hammering of her heart, which confirmed to me she was alive. And despite the danger of the situation, my body was drawn to hers. I was painfully hard, and my cock insisted on nestling happily between her thighs.

I cursed myself and wanted to pull away, but then she squirmed under me. She pushed herself up and into me, flattening her gorgeous curves against my much harder body, and I almost came in my pants. I was so conscious about her and hated that I couldn’t turn off my response to her. I enjoyed it too, and berated myself for it, and⁠—

‘Ryot, you there?’ My brother’s voice interrupts my thoughts.

I bring myself back to the present. ‘Sorry, you were saying?’

He scrutinizes my face with a worried expression. ‘You holding up okay?”

‘It’s been a long day.’ I rub the back of my neck. ‘I need you to help me find who’s behind the shooting. My team has come up short, and the king’s security has nothing on it either.”

‘On it already. I’ve reached out to the best investigators who’re part of Karina Beauchamp’s team.’

‘Karina…?’ Where have I heard that name before? The realization kicks in. ‘She’s connected to Sinclair Sterling…’ Who’s our friend, and someone who Arthur trusts—something which is a rarity.

‘That’s right.’ He nods. ‘She has a highly specialized team who’re working with Cole and Brian. I should have something for you in the next forty-eight hours.’

‘Make that twenty-four. I’ve bought us a little time by bringing her here, and keeping it secret to minimize any chance of leaks. This place has the best security possible.’ I know, because I put it in. ‘But whoever is posing a threat to her life is not to be underestimated.’ I gave in to her pleas. I broke my own rule of not taking her anywhere where her security could be compromised. And I lost my focus, so enamored with her, I forgot to be vigilant for any attacks. And look what happened?

It almost cost me her life. It’s because I’m attracted to her. I’ve lost perspective, and that’s what I feared most. I’m unable to keep my infatuation with her separate, and it’s beginning to affect my decisions.

Only… It’s too late to walk away from her. I won’t be happy handing over this assignment to anyone else. I can’t trust anyone else to protect her. Which means, I’m going to have to shadow her even more closely, until the threat to her life is neutralized. I won’t be able to get out in the field and track down whoever shot at her. I’ll have to rely on my team and Tyler. If there’s anyone I’d trust with my life, it’s him.

I love all of my brothers, but Tyler is the one who feels emotions as deeply as I do. Perhaps, because he’s the only one of us has a child?

‘You did the right thing by taking her away, but it’s a temporary measure,” he cautions.

‘It is.’ I blow out a breath. It would make my job much easier to tell her to cancel her appointments so I can keep her in one room and, preferably, lock the door behind me so I can make sure no one else enters. But that’s counterintuitive to what having a protection detail is about. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I made her compromise on her lifestyle.

I need to fold into her comings and goings and be as nonintrusive as possible, while protecting her. Of course, with the awareness flaring between us, it’s not like I could simply blend into the background. No matter how inconspicuous I try to make myself, I’m too aware of the attraction between us. And she seems to know exactly where I am at any point. The more I try to avoid looking at her directly, the more she insists on trying to get my attention. I notice it all. Every twitch of her lips, every exaggerated sway of her behind, every time I have to pass by her and a whiff of her scent leaves me with an enormous hard-on that’s unseemly. It’s why I’ve given her a wide berth. But I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take her out to dinner, could I? ‘I’m going to keep her here for as long as I can, but until the threat against her is neutralized…’ I shake my head. ‘Damn, I’m so pissed off. I bent enough rules that I gave that the gunman the perfect opportunity to shoot at her.’

‘But you got her out of harm’s away.’

‘And I can’t afford to put her in his crosshairs, again,’ I say grimly.

‘Don’t be too hard on yourself.’ Tyler half smiles. ‘Though I should say, it’s a relief to find you back in the land of the living.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘After Jane, you appeared to bury your feelings and hide away.’

‘I didn’t hide. I was living my life,’ I snap. And yes, I spent time withdrawing into myself, not speaking much to anyone while I tried to come to grips with what happened. Not that I’m going to admit to that aloud.

‘Were you, though? You were pissed off with Quentin for his role in the attacks on her. You got into fights with him, in your compulsion to make him pay.’

All of which is true. ‘I needed to blame someone. Quentin fit the bill. I held him responsible for what happened to Jane’s battalion when, really, he was only doing his duty.’

‘It’s understandable that you were so grief stricken you weren’t thinking straight. In fact’—his brow furrows—’it’s why I was surprised to find you were joining the security agency.’

‘It seemed the lesser of the two evils.’ The other being joining the Davenport Group. Which would have meant more contact with my grandfather, which I’m keen to avoid at all costs. ‘I was beginning to realize that I couldn’t hold Quentin responsible for something that was out of his control.’ Or perhaps, I got tired of being angry and alone and decided I needed to move on with my life.

‘It’s good you took up the mission. The best way to heal is to feel needed, to know you’re valued. To contribute to something larger than yourself.’

I head back inside the kitchen, reach for the bottle of whiskey on the shelf over the counter and pour myself a drink. ‘Is that why you decided to join the Davenport Group?’

It’s his turn to wince. ‘I joined because I need stability for Serene. I’d be lying if I said having her in my life didn’t force me to grow up and face my responsibilities. Plus, being the CEO has perks. I can set my hours, and I can work from home when needed.

‘Still having nanny problems?’ I snicker.

He arches an eyebrow. ‘Glad you find that amusing. I’ll have the last laugh, though, considering I’m witnessing you falling in love.’

I give him a strange look. “You do realize I was married once?”

Tyler inclines his head. “Are you telling me you were in love with Jane?”

When I don’t reply, he merely nods. “I rest my case.”

“How did you guess?” I give him a strange look.

“The ring you inherited from our grandmother; you didn’t give that to her.”

Arthur’s wife, Laura had left each of us brothers a ring from her jewelry collection. She also gave us instructions that we were to give it to the woman with whom we fell in love. It never occurred to me to give it to Jane. That’s how uncommitted I was to that relationship.

When I stay quiet, Tyler sighs. “It’s okay to admit you didn’t love her. You don’t have to feel guilty for what happened to her. You couldn’t have stopped her from going on that mission, and you know it.”

“If I hadn’t fought with her, she might not have felt compelled to sign up.” I glance away.

“As a former Marine, I don’t need to tell you that we’re all aware of the risks when we embark on that life. You know better than to blame yourself for what happened.”

I rub the back of my neck. I want to believe him. A part of me knows he’s right. Another part of me can’t get over the lingering guilt that coats my insides. Perhaps, I never will. I take another sip of the Macallan. “Either way, who said anything about falling in love?”

Tyler’s features gentle. ‘You deserve to be happy, Ryot. If you’re given a second chance, I hope you won’t be so afraid of what happened in the past that you’ll shut yourself off from possibilities.’

His words send a tremor of hope through my guts. I make sure to bat it away and scowl at him. ‘I don’t need you telling me what to do. You focus on finding who was behind the hit on the princess. Leave the rest to me.’

‘But—’ he begins to protest.

I hit the screen and disconnect the call. Fuck. My brothers are nosy so-and-so’s. You’d think, being the alpha males they are, they’d keep our discussions on safer topics. But fuck, do they love to gossip. And they’re up in each other’s business. To be fair, despite pulling away from my family after Jane’s death, even I kept tabs on Nathan’s, and Knox’s, not to mention, Quentin’s love lives. I also agreed to attend Arthur’s family Sunday lunches, as a way of keeping up with everyone. Much as I might protest, I’m cut from the same mold. I toss back the rest of the whiskey, then place it on the counter and turn back. My breath catches.

She’s standing inside the doorway by the table pushed up against the wall. The moonlight streaming in from the windows kisses her figure, and casts shadows on the valley between her breasts, on the dip of her waist and the hollow between the tops of her thighs. Fuck my life. She’s naked.

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