The Blood King's Bride

Chapter Seventy Two

A cloud of smoke covered the castle. There was confusion and murmuring as people were trying to balance their emotions between curiosity and fear. As the smoke died down, a shocked gasp passed through the hall. Elena couldn't believe her eyes. A dark beast with uniquely conjoined horns stood in the middle of the castle hall, one of its horns protruding from the other side of a man's neck. That man was the one who had snapped Aaron's neck, Aaron, who was strangely alive and looking at the beast with awe and fear. The beast had great hide as dark as night. Its eyes were shrewd and focused on the other men in the room, who had supported the one now hanging from its horns.

Elena strangely recognized that look. She looked behind her and saw that Forest's face had turned pale and immediately understood.

The beast was Elion.

Elion was a magical being.

Looking at Forest, she also came to the same conclusion.

Forest was a magical being.

Now that she thought of it, it had been several months since she ran out of the kingdom

of Pres. She remembered the strange animal she had seen in the forest and how she had named it Forest. She also remembered how confused she was when he applied for a job at the red Queen and said his name was Forest. She had found it strange that a human went by that name, but to think it was she who gave him that name.

Oh, they had a lot to talk about.

Before she could say anything, she heard screams of agony and watched as Elion flung

the dead man on her horse away and went after the rest. Even in her beast form, she was graceful and quick. She defeated two of the rouge ministers in under a minute. Their newly aquatinted power didn't seem to affect her at all. They bounced off her skin, and the action did more to piss Elion off. In a matter of minutes, she had killed them all.

Everyone watched in stunned silence.

"Balaksa! The Blood being's pet! I can't believe I'm seeing it. I thought it was a myth!"

someone whispered next to her. Immediately, a discussion burst out from around her, and people

looked at Elion with reverence, awe, and fear. Some even bowed to her.

Elion changed her features back to a human, and she walked proudly as a day without

clothes. She walked to Aaron and stood in front of him, not moving.

Aaron looked at her in love, lust, fear, awe, and reverence. So many emotions that made

both him and Elion confused. Then surprisingly, he bowed to her.

"Oh, great one. That you may help our slain brothers. Our history tells us that you can

raise from the dead, and should your powers find them worthy, they become your minions, if not, they burn."

Elion schooled her face and watched Aaron intensely.

"I saved you from death," Elion said, her voice eerily soft. "Now you want me to save your men too. At what cost?"

Aaron looked at her, and her expression on his face caused her to heat up in certain parts of her body."

"At the cost of my life. I will forever do your bidding."

Elion looked at him one more time, then nodded. She walked towards the decapitated bodies of the warriors rounded them up. The crowd watched in reverent silence as she bit into her wrist and formed a circle around the bodies with her blood. Then she began a chant. Elena immediately felt the power that passed through the room. The castle walls seemed

to be alive, commending what was happening. There was intense pressure, forcing all to go on their knees. Elena, even as she knelt, kept on watching the spectacle.

The limbs of the detached warriors fixed themselves back where they should be. The warriors, once dead, slowly stood up though there was no life in their eyes. Elion continued her chant, her voice going higher and higher. The men rose in the air, and a thick cloud of smoke slowly covered them. Elion gave a final scream, and the cloud burst open, releasing the men who lay on the ground, now naked as she was.

Weary, Elion began to fall, but Aaron quickly caught her. Elena started to go to her friend when she heard the tired voice of Forest.

"I remember. I remember it all now."

She turned to look at him and quickly stretched out her hands to catch him as he fainted.

She gently patted his head, wiping away all traces of sweat.

"You all have a lot to tell me. But I'll leave you be, for now."

She turned to look back at the castle hall when she heard the murmuring starting, and she watched as the once-dead men slowly stood up. They were no more ordinary-looking but handsome beyond normal, just as Elion and Forest.

The crowd suddenly went silent, then just as quickly, they began to scream in happiness and relief.

"The beings have returned. The being has returned." She heard someone next to her murmuring excitedly.

Elena was happy, but her excitement was quickly crushed when she thought of Firoza. Where was she?

Something was wrong. Firoza felt it deep in her bones. The air around the castle was

cleaner, more powerful. She quickly left the past king on the floor, who had fainted from the

excess blood loss. Whether he recovered or not, she didn't care. She was about to leave the room

to check what was going on outside when the door busted open.

Calhoun took a look at what had happened in the room, and he didn't waste his time

attacking. He quickly released his full power and dragged out his sword. Immediately, his sword

lit up in blood flames, a power only the greatest of all blood kings could possess. Firoza moaned in ecstasy at the feel of his power, yet she looked on in fear as he approached her.

"Now, Calhoun, let's not be nasty-" She couldn't complete her statement because

Calhoun had swiped at her, a lick of the blood fire ran down her skin, slowly peeling and burning


She screamed in agony, her face lit in pain. Calhoun didn't spare her, he attacked her again, and this time, his sword made contact, striking her from her shoulder down to her waist. It left a nasty tear on her skin, and she screamed louder in agony. But Calhoun watched, a bit surprised as the wounds began to heal. He didn't care too much for that. All that he could see what his father and mother on the floor, bleeding because of the crazy girl he had brought home with him. He was swallowed up by revenge, his thoughts solely focused on how to slice and dissect her. He kept on cutting and slicing, mutilating and tearing up her skin, face, and essence. She bled, and he denied taking her essence. He would not take the power of a thing so impure. It wasn't worth his interest. He kept on slicing, hacking, and mutilating, ruled by his anger, until he felt satisfied. He paused and finally came back to his senses. He faced the barely recognizable body of Firoza. Her face was mangled, her limbs askew. She bled heavily, her blood slowly flowing on the floor as it surrounded her in an eerie halo. He studied her lastly, no ounce of emotion in his eyes. Not the familiar anger or hatred he was supposed to feel. He just felt cold. Eerily cold.

He walked to where his mother lay, gently lifted her, and carried her to where his father

lay. His father lay in a pool of his blood, and the injury seemed to come from just one place on his body, his wrist.

He turned to face Firoza again, giving her his most icy stare, hoping that it would incinerate her soul. The demon had taken a chomp off his father's hand.

Calhoun placed his two fingers on his father's neck pulse and sighed in relief when he

felt the slow yet rhythmic and soft thumping of his blood flow. He quickly tore out a piece of his cloth and gently wrapped it around his father's wrist. It might be superstition or whatever one wanted to portray it as, but Calhoun bit into his finger and placed a drop of blood in his father's mouth. He had inwardly hoped that it would be able to make his father wake up. There, Calhoun sat in silence while the rest of the castle screamed in joy. As Calhoun waited for his father to come awake, Elena helped her way through the crowd to Elion. She had Forest on her back, and he was strangely heavy for someone who hardly did anything. She reached where Elion and Aaron were and quickly nudged him.

"Carry her and follow me," Elena shouted to Aaron over the shouts of the people. He quickly did as she told and hefted his love in his arms, carrying her away from the noise and the happiness. Together they slowly reached the room Elena shared with the siblings. She softly opened the door and walked in, motioning for Aaron to follow. Aaron did as was instructed. He forced himself not to look around their room and simply focused on making sure that his love laid quietly on the bed, next to her brother.

He still couldn't believe it. His being was of a mighty race once close to their blood

being. She was powerful, and he was beneath her. Yet, she still helped him, fought for him, and listened to his wish, a wish that was likely the cause of why she was still lying unconscious. "Thank you," Elena said, coming over to him. She sat next to her friend and covered her naked body with a blanket. She loved to Forest and dabbed out the sweat that formed beneath his brows.

"I hope your opinion of my friend isn't going to change," Elena said to Aaron while she

still dabbed at Forest's eyes. Aaron looked at her in confusion but answered honestly. "No. Not at all."

"Good. She is like this because she helped you, and now you owe her. A life, for a life." She said, slowly turning to look at him.

"Can you pay the debt?"

Aaron quickly stood in attention, his stance spread and his shoulder wide, as he bore down to the three friends and made a promise.

"I, Aaron, Warrior of the blood king, swear to give my life to Elion the great. I will

forever do her bidding, till I am separated from her by death."

Elena looked at him, approval dancing in her eyes.

"I Elena, solemnly approve your oath as a witness to it." She said.

Immediately, a heavy wind busted into the room and surrounded them. It tore through

Aaron, binding and locking him together. When the wind disappeared, it left in its place the

unseen bond that Aaron could feel connected him to Elion.

"I can feel her heartbeat." He whispered in awe.

"Don't forget your promise," Elena whispered, reminding him again.

"I won't." He replied.

Calhoun still stayed next to his father and quickly jumped to his aid as he saw his father

slowly gain consciousness.

"Calhoun. Is that you?" his father asked.

"Yes, father. I'm the one." He quickly went to his father's side to aid him up.

"No. Do not raise me yet. I'm feeling a bit dizzy. Oh, ancestors!" he exclaimed. "My wife. How is she?"

"She lays next to you, father." He said, not surprised that his father asked after his wife

than his well-being.

"Something happened. Firoza and all, but I'm too tired to think about it."noveldrama

"Yes, Father. I know what happened. I have taken care of it."

"Good." His father said. "Good." He repeated, this time a bit sleepy. "Now take me and

my wife away from here. We need a good sleep."

Calhoun nodded to his father and started to heft them both on his shoulders. Once he had

safely tucked them in, he risked one final glance at the place where Firoza lay.

She was gone.

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