The Blood King's Bride

Chapter Seventy Nine

The next day arrived. Elena had been up through the day preparing for the dinner she

would serve to Calhoun's family. Forest had been by her side, worried and panicking just as she silently had been, while Elion watched them and lent a helping hand with an amused expression. Calhoun had come over to see what she was doing about twice that day, but she refused to allow him into the kitchen. Seeing him wouldn't help her nerves.

News had already spread amongst the servants that Elena was the King's Bride. All the people's attitudes towards her changed since that day. She, who had never received attention and had been treated like she was barely visible, was suddenly treated with respect. When she told the High Keeper that she wished to work in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the king's family, she had beamed, setting up everything she would need immediately before Elena could say anything.

The spices in the blood kingdom were different from those she was used to in Neba and

Pres. As the blood kingdom was icy, most people ate hot and spicy food. Elena decided to create

a dish using their local spices, and a few of hers, along with her secret ingredient.

She was nervous because that would be her first time trying it out.

The high keeper helped her to produce the materials she needed. When she wanted to also

assist Elena in cooking, Elena declined, wishing to do it herself.

It hadn't been an easy feat, as the high keeper was adamant. Forest helped her out of the

situation, using his charms on the stubborn woman. It worked perfectly, and in a few seconds, the woman left the kitchen to just the both of them. Elion joined them later.

Forest and Elena had worked together before, so they found no problem being so attuned with each other while at the job.

Elena made a main dish, an appetizer, and a dessert using the spices available. It took her the whole day to prepare because the royalty was served a banquet meal. She designed a meal enough for an entire town. When it was close to dinner time, she quickly went back to her room. Once she was done, she then called on the help of the servants to assist her in serving the food. Calhoun watched her with pride as she entered the dining table. The aroma of her dish

was already mouth-watering, and he couldn't wait to see his mother's reaction to her cooking. The servants came forward and served the food while Elena remained back, looking over the whole work being done.

"Won't you join us to eat?" the queen asked Elena from where she was seated.

Abashed, Elena quickly took her seat right in front of Calhoun. She tightly held her hands

on her laps and was relieved when she saw the expression that passed through the queen and the

king's faces once they removed the cover over their food.

"So, can you tell us how you came about the inspiration to prepare this dish?"

Folding her hands tightly on her laps, Elena began.

"The blood kingdom is very cold, colder than the places I am used to. I noticed that most

citizens in this Kingdom prefer to eat things that are spicy and hot. Putting together my

knowledge of cooking, I tried to blend the spices that are local here, using the same methods I use for my cooking."

The former king took a spoonful of her food, and his eyes widened.

"It's really good!" he exclaimed. Elena didn't know how to react to his statement, seeing

as he sounded like he hadn't expected it to be anything different from what he had been eating. Perhaps even a bit poorer.

The queen joined her husband to eat, and she also had an expression of surprise once she tasted her food.

"Wow! This is good!" the queen praised, nodding her head. Elena watched as Calhoun's

parents both forgot propriety and began to dig heavily into their food. She looked at Calhoun and noted the pride and embarrassment he had on his face. He looked back at Elena and shrugged his shoulders.

Then they all began to eat.

Elena felt like she had outdone herself again once she tasted the food she had prepared.

She didn't mean to brag, but her food tasted heavenly. Its spiciness did nothing to hide the sweet

and sour taste of it. It blended well with the local fruits she had added to bring out the flavor. Calhoun dug into his food just as much as his parents. He looked up at Elena once in a while to beam at her before turning back to his food.

Most of the food was cleared in a few minutes, and the servants came over to carry the leftovers.

"I haven't eaten this much in a long time." The queen said, relaxing in her seat. The former king had stretched out where he also sat, rubbing his stomach.

"You have got a gem there my boy." He said, gently patting his stomach. "She would serve us- I mean you-well!" Calhoun frowned at his father.

"Whatever you both are thinking, you should stop it. Elena would cook only for me. She might cook for you if she wishes, but do not even think of bullying her into doing so." Both his parents pouted.

She would have laughed at their reaction had she not been swallowed up by nerves. "You know, Elena," the king said suddenly, sitting forward. "I'm the nicest parent here. You can trust me for anything. If you have questions, do not hesitate to meet with me." "What do you mean by that?" the queen said, annoyed. Then she turned to look at Elena. "I am Calhoun's mother. The one who knows almost everything about him. If you wish to

gain that information, you know who to meet humph!" she exclaimed, sticking her nose to the


Calhoun simply smiled at his parents' antics. They all remained silent, trying to digest Elena's food.

"Okay." The king said, sitting up. "The time of seriousness has come." His face had

turned blank.

"Calhoun has made known his request to get married to you. And as soon as possible." Elena looked at Calhoun, back to his parents, then back to him. Noticing her nervousness, he spoke up for her.

"Yes. We would like to get married quickly."

"What's the rush?" the queen said, not able to miss the opportunity to tease him. Calhoun

blushed as close as he could, and Elena found it endearing. But she didn't want to embarrass him further, so she remained quiet.

"I would suggest that you both do it this night."

Elena choked. It was soon. Too soon.

Even Calhoun was taken aback. "Father, isn't it too early? We haven't prepared yet or


"What is there to prepare?" the queen said. "We have done most of the work already. We just need the two of you to be present." She quickly stood up from her seat. "We'll give you an hour to get yourself together. Then you meet us at the sacred room." She swiped her gown then left the dining room.

The past king remained there. "She is right you know. You both don't have any more time

to waste. The people expected to see Calhoun with his Bride. But so far, nothing has been said.

We are trying to put an end to the murmuring that is slowly rising." He stood up. "An hour, then we meet at the sacred room."

"How much do you think they believed?" The queen asked her husband as they returned to their royal chambers.

"Hmmm Calhoun, not so much. But Elena bought it." The king said, grinning mischievously. "She had all but frozen where she sat."

"That's good then." The queen said, satisfied. "I do not want her to get any ideas midway.

It's best if we quickly snagged her so that it's too late for her to change her mind." "What makes you think she would change her mind?"

"Honey," the queen said slowly as if she was talking to a little boy. "Our son is a smart king. To wise for his age. But in front of Elena, he is no different from the normal fools found on the streets of the Kingdom. Just as he annoyed Elena the other day on his quest to protect her, imagine if he does something like that again a few days before they get married." She paused, tsking.

"I don't know what it is with you men and trying to prove to the women you love that you're powerful enough to protect them both."

"Like you don't enjoy it." The king said suggestively, putting his arm around his wife. "Please," the queen said, rolling her eyes though she smiled. "I endure it. That's what I have to do from being married to a person like you. I have to be tolerant."

"Hmm." The king said teasingly. They continued their walk in companionable silence. "You know, now that I think of it, I believe Calhoun isn't against the plan we had of them getting married this evening."

"You just noticed that?" the queen said, laughing cheerily. "He had every possible way to let us move the wedding. But he chose not to say anything because even he couldn't wait to get married to her. I am sure he knew he was bound to say something else that would annoy her and make her leave. So he just wants to bind her quickly to him so it would be impossible should she have that thought." The queen said, chuckling.

"At least he knows his weakness. Imagine if he hadn't come to us when they both had a problem. Perhaps we would be talking about something else, and not preparing for a wedding." "They would have sorted it out in the end." The king said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, but how long would that have taken? Please, now that I have found my perfect daughter-in-law, you can count on me not to let go of her so easily." The queen declared a mischievous smile etched on her face.

"Are you okay?" Calhoun said, walking over to where Elena sat.

"This is all just coming to me faster than I expected."

"You don't have to go through it now," he said, crouching next to her. "I can talk to them.noveldrama

Make them move the wedding to another day.

"No, no it's okay." She said, sighing. "It's just going to be both of us and your father,


"Mother would surely view the wedding, but you wouldn't be able to see her."

"Sure," Elena said, sighing heavily. "So then it's just us and your parents."

"Yes," Calhoun said, nodding. He placed his hands on hers.

"Can I bring Forest and Elion along?"

"I am not sure." Calhoun said, thinking. "I'll ask my parents to see if it's possible."

"Please. I would want people I'm familiar with there with me."

"Aren't you familiar with me?" Calhoun said, pouting.

"I'm getting married to you. That's different."

"Yeah. I can see why that is." He sighed, then brought his hands to her face.

"I can't wait to get married to you." He said, his eyes shining with love. She smiled at his confession, leaning into his touch.

"And I too." She replied. Calhoun slowly stood up, bringing her along with him. Once she stood, she looked up at him, her eyes shining with mirth and confusion. "What are you up to?"

"Just giving a final kiss to the girl I was courting. This night, I welcome my wife." He leaned closer to her. "And I welcome my wife in full." He said suggestively. Before she could drown in shock at what he meant, he quickly brought her closer to his body and kissed her deeply on the lips, scattering all the thoughts she had in her head.

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