The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 429

You could hear a pin drop. I maybe shouldn't have approached the subject the way I did but I

had to do something. I was all for moving on, it's the only thing I wanted but I wasn't going to do that until everything was out on the table. The air needed to be cleared once and for all. I deserved that much right?

My gran cleared her throat before she got to her feet. "I'm going to make coffee and then we'll move into the sitting area".

No one said anything. I watched as she disappeared into the kitchen making sure to close the door behind her. No one knew what to say or where to look for that matter.

"If you'll excuse me". George spoke as he got to his feet and followed her.

Probably making sure she was okay. Was I wrong for saying what I did? I in no means wanted anyone to feel uncomfortable but I think it was a little late for that.

"Is Jake coming back?". Carter asked.

I shrugged. He left to sort out cover for tonight but knowing him he'd be the one covering it. If he could do it all day everyday he would. Jake liked to know our pack and territory were safe. "Carter you can leave if you wish". My gran spoke. "You were right in saying this has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry for keeping you here". She set the tray down onto the table. "Shall we go into the sitting area?".

Carter was having a face-off with my aunt Claire. Obviously, she didn't want him to leave or to be rude by leaving but Carter was having none of it. He got to his feet placed a kiss on grans forehead and left.

Damn. I didn't expect him to just up and leave. I thought he would at least want to hear what she was going to say. Or to at least have my back if things were to take a turn. Not that I was expecting anything bad to happen, but you just never know.

I got to my feet and picked up a mug off coffee from the tray. I didn't miss the wine glass in my grans hand. Opting for something stronger. Again, my dad sat saying nothing and it was starting to grate on my skin.

He was in this as much as my gran was. I wanted to hear from him tonight also. Everyone had a story to tell, and I wanted to hear his. He was the closest to my mom before she passed, and I wanted to know everything about her from his perspective.

But right now, what I didn't like was the weird atmosphere. I took myself to the sitting room and waited for them to join. My aunt Claire was the first one through the door.

"Don't you think this could have been done at another time?". She asked sitting down beside me. "We were all having such a nice time".

Not what I was expecting her to say but I went with it.

"And now we're not?". I frowned.

"It's not that honey it's just-...". She paused. "You went straight for it. Didn't even hesitate to bring it up".

"Everyone wants to get past this so what better way to do it than face it head on".

"Do you not think it's better to keep the past in the past?". She asked.

Now why would she say that?

"Wouldn't you want to know though?". I asked. "I mean I lost my mom; my dad gave me to my gran; she moved us away. Fast forward, we move back, George might be my grandfather and now my dad wants to be part of my life".

Even saying that aloud seemed crazy but there was so much more I had missed. I needed to hear everything. I wanted explanations for her actions because I didn't deserve for her to up and leave me without one.

"It's a lot Leah I understand that, but I don't know what you think you're going to gain from bringing all this up".

"She's not going to gain anything Claire". My gran spoke as she entered the room. My dad and George following behind her. "But it's time she knows everything. It's time I tell my part of the story".

"I think I'm going to grab a glass of wine instead of coffee". My aunt Claire sighed.

"Can I add that everything your gran did or has done has been for the good of you. This isn't anything bad Leah and I need you to understand that". My dad spoke.

"Nothing bad is going to come from this sweetheart". My gran added. "We all love you so very much".

I nodded my head and sipped my coffee. I was ready to put this behind me finally.

"I'm not sure where to begin". She laughed. "But I guess I'll just jump right in and start with George and I".

"Okay". I nodded.noveldrama

"I feel so awful because I never wanted to keep any of this from you Leah, but I felt it was better to. I never imagined this is how everything would turn out".

That's weird because she was the one that moved us here. I shook that thought from my head. I couldn't put the blame on her. Everything happens for a reason, right?

"George and I could never be together because his parents would never have approved because

I wasn't a werewolf".

That was a real thing?

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