Revenge After Divorce Novel by Black Rose

Chapter 29


I stood in front of the tall skyscraper building of Ryan Properties with my hands sweating and my feet glued to the ground. I was supposed to have gone inside ten minutes ago but my feet were heavy as cement. In my mind I kept thinking about that text Brandon sent and wondering what it meant.

What did his father approve of? Was it the business deal we spoke. of or something else? Being in prison made me a suspicious person, I could no longer take anything someone said at face value. I had shown Ethan the text trying to get his views on it and all I got from him was.

“Be careful, Olivia. Brandon is Nick’s business rival. They might not run in the same circles in business, but they are still rivals, I can’t explain but be careful.” He looked angry when he told me that and it made me wonder if Brandon was his rival too.

But I did not ask him. here I was standing there not sure if going in was a good idea. I needed the business, and my company was small. I couldn’t afford to turn away business because of Nick. The man was a billionaire, he could take care of himself. I, on the other

hand, couldn’t.

With that thought in mind, I took a deep breath and walked inside. The receptionist gave me a wid smile. “Welcome to Ryan Properties, how can I be of assistance?”noveldrama

“I have an appointment with Brandon Ryan, my name is Olivia


“Ms Williams, Mr Ryan haseen waiting for you, take that elevator


the twentieth floor, he is the only one in that floor. I will ca he assistant and tell her you are coming up.” I thanked her then walked to the elevator I rode it to the twentieth floor and when I got out. His assistant was waiting for me

She gave me a polite smile then led me to Brandon’s office. When I got inside, his father was also there. He smiled when he saw me. Mrs Jones, good to see you again.“He offered me a hand to shake. Brandon was sitting behind his desk with a mischievous smile on his


His father offered me a seat, the assistance came in with coffee then went out closing the door behind her. “Olivia.” Said Brandon and I just nodded taking a sip of my coffee. “Well, Olivia, I will get to the point. I want you to work with us to bring Nick down.”

My hand froze midair with the cup still in hand. “I don’t follow.” Brandon rounded the desk and came to join his father and I. “Nick sent you to jail for something we believe you didn’t do, and he has been blocking us from developing in Summer Strand and Delft Town costing us millions in the process.”

I listened still not sure where I enter in all that. “That is not all, Nick’s

father was involved in the accident that killed my wife or he knows something about that accident and refuses to tell me about it. My guess, it was someone close to him who was involved in that accident, and he helped the person to cover it up. I want to teach that family to stop playing with people as if they are toys.”

I didn’t know what to say, but I understood why they wanted to take. them down and the, were right about one thing. That family did act like gods who could do whatever they wanted to people and get away with it. “What do you say we teach them a lesson or two. Show them that they are still human and that they too can get hurt. They

need to be humbled”

I kept quiet, I was angry about what that family did to me. About being sent to jail for something I didn’t do and for wh hey did. Going behind my back and checking my medical records just because they owned the hospital.

“If we are going to do all this, then we do it in business we cripple it and not any other way. Then am in. but I need to know what is in this for me? I have responsibilities and one of my conditions is that we do everything by the book. No tricks, no playing dirty just plain old business.

Ryan senior stood. “I wouldn’t do it any other way. Playing dirty is their thing not ours. If they were law abiding citizens, then Jamest would have come clean about the accident that took my wife’s life.” I could see the pain in his eyes when he spoke about his wife’s accident.

it made me think of my grandmother and how Nick didn’t event bother taking care of her. She died alone and was buried in an unmarked grave like she had no one. If he had taken care of her, she wouldn’t have died unnecessarily like that, she would have stayed in the hospital and gotten better.

But she thought she had no money to stay and get treatment that she went home and died. Alone.

If he had allowed her to visit me, I would have told her that Ethan was going to take care of her, and she would have held on for me. until I got out. But he was Nick Jones the billionaire and no one can defy him, not even the police. He sets the rules, and everyone follows them without question.

“What about business? You know I have a small business and Nick can squash me like a bug. I need to be able to stand on my own and be able to protect myself should he decide to come after me.”

“Don’t worry about that, you will be my exclusive logistics company and I will send everyone I know your way. Your business will be booming and a listed company by the end of this year. Then our revenge can begin.”

Nick thought I will not do anything about what he did to me, mainly because I was no one compared to him. But he was soon going to learn never to underestimate people and that revenge, is a dish best served cold and I was about to serve him mine.

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