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11:17 Fri, Sep 6 BGG.

“You betrayed me, Elise,

“she heard Hayden’s voice echo through the dark mist as she saw a figure and ran to it.

“No, Hayden, please,”


“And because of you, I’m dead,” he muttered, and she looked at her hands to see them glazed with blood. “Because if you are dead, we are both dead!” Rygan and Hayden chorused together?

“No! No!” she shouted as her eyes shot up from the nightmare. It took a few seconds for Elise to recognize her surroundings, as panic filled in when she saw herself in a cage, a dungeon with silver collars on her neck and feet.

The sound of heavy doors opening drew Elise up as she adjusted her sight into the darkness. She felt goosebumps on her skin as she was left in her bloodied vest and her shorts,

It took another second to register that she wasn’t alone, but another harsh breath filled the room as she looked down to see Rygan, completely chained up, his chains heavier than hers.

She crawled to him, her eyes filled with panic as she shook his unconscious body. “Rygan, Rygan, please wake up,” she muttered with trembling fingers.

The feel of Hayden’s dead body was still cold on her skin; she had no time to mourn him, and they didn’t give her the mercy of taking his body. Her self–wallowing was cut short when the doors of the dungeon opened.

“So this is the great alpha female the whole realm had been going crazy for, the she–wolf who destroyed my men time and time again,” a man said from the shadows. “I am Marcus Newman, the leader of the guild; you like what I did with the chain? I had to contact a couple of witches; it was very expensive but worth it,” he introduced himself with a wicked smirk.

Elise looked up with a snarl, her body covering organs in a protective mode, but as she tried to show the depth of her powers through her eyes, the chains burned her the moment she tried to make a sudden move. “Augh agh!” she groaned from pain and shock.

“You murderer!” she snarled, her hands holding the bars of the cell as hot tears of anger spilled from her eyes. “Where is


“Now you know how it feels to lose a loved one after you killed my son.”

“I don’t even know who the fuck that is. Your son came after me, and I defended myself by grooming him, so where the fuck is Hayden?”

“I had his dead body burned in the pit like all monstrous filth should be,” he muttered. “The only reason I’m keeping your alive is because of the hefty price of your son being delivered to me,” he muttered with a wicked chuckle.

Her body stiffened in response to his words as she looked up at him. “What did you say?”

“Don’t worry, they will be arriving at any moment, and soon enough you will be reunited with your son, and you will be here to bear witness as I kill him slowly, an exquisite addition to your torture!” he said darkly.

And Elise’s rage grew with his words; she was barely holding on to her sanity at this point as she heard Rygan’s breathing

slow down.

It’s felt the world was closing in on her, she couldn’t stand losing another person, but what what to do?

There was no way out.



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