Alpha Killian

Chapter 33



Ididn't spend long torturing Blake. I was more determined than ever to get answers.

1had the pack doctor waiting outside of his cel, knowing he would need immediate attention when I finally finished. Pesiing the skin from Blake's abdomen, I leaned in close. He had finally stopped screaming and I waited for his next words.

The scent of blood, sweat and fear filled my nostril, but that fueled me to continue.

"Tell me what you know, Biake." My voice was calm as I contained the rage that puised through my body. "You have so much

skin. I won't stop here."

Blake's chest was heaving, his skin looking oddly translucent.

"Underground bunker" blaze rasped through the pain, "By Kentworth." The name of the small town fifteen minutes away caused Titan's ears to perk up. This was a start, 'Where is it, Blaze?"" I looked into his lifeless eyes, jamming my finger into the TM"y wound I had caused on his abdomen.

He let out another scream and I pulled away, letting him compose himself.

"Abandoned church." His lips whispered before he fel into unconsciousness.

I stormed out of his cell shouting for the pack doctor to keep him alive. I ran back to the house, alerting the warriors in my pack.

"Attention everyone," My voice bellowed through the mind link. "Any and al warriors available report to my house n fifteen minutes." I ended the connection as I barreled through the front door.

Kira sat on the couch in the living room, Maria and her childhood friend at her side. Travis had his arms wrapped around Kira, trying to sooth her a5 sobs wracked her. Sabrina had been Kira's friend ever since she was a child. She was practically aised with the two of us. While I never had time for friends, Sabrina was ike another sister.

These past few days, I kept my distance from Kia. I was fully aware that she blamed herself. While my rage bubbled and threatened to spill over at every moment without Clair, I knew Kira and Maria weren' to blame. The hunters that decided to. touch what was mine were to blame. Nonetheless, I kept my distance from Kira. couldn'ttrust Titan to not lash out at her, Titan blamed everyone, myselfincluded.

Sabrin ived in the next town over, simply another branch of my pack' territory. She frequently visited Kira, but it had been few months since she last came over. These past few days she had been there for Kira and Maria, something they desperately needed.

"Killan, did something happen?" Kira shot up from the couch at my sudden intrusion. Kira looked a mess, but as much as I

wanted to break down and join her, I had to find Claire. "Blake talked, he told us where she is" I huffed, attention snapping to the window as I noficed two van's pull up out front. Kira sputtered, angrily wiping the tears from her face. "Let me come with you"

"No." I snapped. "Hunter's took her, Kira."

Kira's face paled, remembering the TM' of our parents. The same thing happened to our family. Hunters captured my

'mother, and my father was k❞TMTM"d trying to save her. I told myself the difference was the fact that I loved Claire. My father

never loved our mother, he simply went for her because he owned her. My fate would not be the same as my fathers. "We're going to get her back Kira" I called out, tuning and running out the door.

I nodded at the cighteen warriors that came to my aid. The rest were in other towns, too far away to make it here on such short nofice.

My Beta pulled up in his own vehicie, taking his place at my side.

"We're going to get my mate back" I snapped at the cighteen men. "Take caution, these are werewolf hunters. They know our wesknesses and they know what we are coming for."

Year's of training helped me keep my composure, but on the inside I was a quivering mess. I had underestimated how attached I had become to Claie. The thought of running a pack without her was impossible. In the short time I had known her, she quickly became my reason for everything. I've always had trouble expressing any emotion other than anger, but that didrit seem to bother Claire. She was truly my other half.

My Beta and I hopped into my car. speeding down the driveway as the two vans followed closely behind. I wasn'tpaying atention to th speed limit, othercars or anything that wasn' Clare. The abandoned church was eay enaugh tofind. s light lue paint s cracking and peeling, whie hlfofth roof was caved

The warriors ancl I entered the church keeping our eyes scannec for any hunters. I was struggling o contain myself.

1 could smell hr.

She had defnitely came through here. The smel ofcreamy vanila with hints of honeycomb lingered inthe ai ke an expensive perfume.

"Alpha." One of the warrors rough vaice called out a5 he stood i flon o wht looked like 2 basement.

The twenty of us, mysef included, went down into the damp basement, The smell of wet eath registered in my nose a5 my eyes were locked on a trap door.

The trap door sa flush againstthe concrete floor of the basement and I could eel my heart thudding i my chest.noveldrama

Titan wasfrantic now. He it care about the hunters. He dic't care who he had to - All he wanted was Claie.

My feet moved on their own and I ipped the door off it hinges,throwing it across the basement with sharp cang.

1 raced down the stir, deeper into the earth.

1 followed her fading scen,Itting the cacophony of warm vanills and a whisper of cinnamon guide me down the winding

tunnels. I could hear the heavy foot fals of the warriors behind me. As I tumed another sharp comer,the frstset of metal cages made an appearance. They smelled of rust and grime. My heart raced at the familiaity.

Her scent grew stronger as I ran, causing my heart to thunder in response.

Iknew the cage at the end of the tunnel belonged to Claire. Her creamy scent lapped at the bars, splling through the cracks as though it recognized me.

"Claire." Her name emerged my lis as I stood in front of her cell.

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